Love this song, and the video is amazing! I love Emma Watson, she's such a good actress and her style is so cool. (: I'm done with school for this year, hopefully I'll pass. Off to the boat now, for a day on the water. xoxo. <3
Okay, I keep watching this. :3 A few months ago I was obsessed with the Taylor Lautner sketch, now it's Biebers turn, haha. Saw it for the first time some months ago and yesterday watched it ago, now I'm addicted. ;x
So, today it's the birthday of a friend of mine; Gill! HAPPY B'DAY! She turned 15 today! And since yesterday she's got a boyfriend; AARON. ^^ I just had to say that. (: xoxo
14 year young ~ girl ~ from a small town near Amsterdam ~ fashionaddict ~ movielover ~ music ~ Narnia-fan ~ William Moseley is hot ~ hyperactive ~ haha, lol. Lots of love, x